Azalea Neil Armstrong
Brick red flower with frilled edges
Small, evergreen shrub featuring lush, dark green foliage and bearing a massed display of large, double flowers during Spring and then again in Autumn. This bold azalea was created by Neil Armstrong (1918-1988), a pioneer in the specialised wholesale production of azaleas on Australia, and has been released in his memory.
Sun hardy but must be well watered during hot or dry conditions. Slow, deep watering at roots is best.
Azaleas make good tub specimens on patios and balconies and are usually equally effective when planted in groups to make a stunning display.
Suited to a wide range of climates and soil types, provided the soil is acidic with pH levels approx. 5-6.
Digging over and adding organic material such as good compost should improve poor soils. Good drainage is essential. Lightly prune after flowering and provide a good feed with complete fertilizer.